
My Financial Healer Offerings

I am passionate about the innovative solutions I use including EFT, NLP and Matrix Reimprinting, specialising in one to one mentoring, group coaching, counselling and consulting.

I have developed a portfolio of courses and coaching programmes that cover:

  • How to remove the mental barriers that prevent  people from achieving their potential
  • The secrets of the super-successful which set them apart from the rest
  • How to overcome debilitating physical conditions

I work with the self-beliefs that have caused the financial problems in the first place. I use gentle techniques to quickly change limiting financial viewpoints that may have been operating for decades.

It is this combination of deep understanding of personal change and the mechanisms of the financial world that I believe make my work unique.

I Work On The Inner and Outer Worlds

I help people to help themselves; I help those who wish to overcome their negative thoughts and beliefs that are currently stopping them from being successful. In this way I enable people to live their lives as who they really are.

Many of my clients are frustrated individuals caught in the ‘There’s Something Missing’ conundrum. I often describe this as the feeling that you should be more successful, but you don’t quite understand why.

Using transformational techniques which connect you with your subconscious, we identify and eliminate your negative beliefs and emotional blocks, leaving the past behind and creating a positive future.

These beliefs and blocks are rarely identified at a conscious level.

Find out more about the benefits of my services in a Free introductory session with me.


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